C'est fait ! Le Royaume uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord a quitté l'Union européenne. Il reste onze mois jusqu'à la Saint-Sylvestre pour veiller aux détails. Deux atterrissages : soit un traité de libre échange est paraphé entre Londres et Bruxelles puis ratifié par tout le monde et le Royaume uni retourne dans une sorte d'AELE associée au Marché commun, au pire il se retrouverait dans la position du Canada ou du Japon qui ont signé des traités avantageux ; soit aucun traité n'est acceptable pour l'une des deux parties ou les deux, alors la Grande Bretagne et sa petite remorque irlandaise deviennent pour l'Europe un pays tiers, étranger, ultramarin.
Discours du Premier ministre de Sa Gracieuse Majesté lors de la soirée du Brexit
Tonight we are leaving the European Union
For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come
And there are many of course who feel a sense of anxiety and loss
And then of course there is a third group – perhaps the biggest – who had started to worry that the whole political wrangle would never come to an end
I understand all those feelings, and our job as the government – my job – is to bring this country together now and take us forward
And the most important thing to say tonight is that this is not an end but a beginning
This is the moment when the dawn breaks and the curtain goes up on a new act in our great national drama
And yes it is partly about using these new powers – this recaptured sovereignty – to deliver the changes people voted for
Whether that is by controlling immigration or creating freeports or liberating our fishing industry or doing free trade deals
Or simply making our laws and rules for the benefit of the people of this country
And of course I think that is the right and healthy and democratic thing to do
Because for all its strengths and for all its admirable qualities, the EU has evolved over 50 years in a direction that no longer suits this country
And that is a judgment that you, the people, have now confirmed at the polls
Not once but twice
And yet this moment is far bigger than that
It is not just about some legal extrication
It is potentially a moment of real national renewal and change
This is the dawn of a new era in which we no longer accept that your life chances – your family’s life chances - should depend on which part of the country you grow up in
This is the moment when we really begin to unite and level up
Defeating crime, transforming our NHS, and with better education, with superb technology
And with the biggest revival of our infrastructure since the Victorians
We will spread hope and opportunity to every part of the UK
And if we can get this right I believe that with every month that goes by we will grow in confidence not just at home but abroad
And in our diplomacy, in our fight against climate change,
In our campaigns for human rights or female education or free trade we will rediscover muscles that we have not used for decades
The power of independent thought and action
Not because we want to detract from anything done by our EU friends – of course not
We want this to be the beginning of a new era of friendly cooperation
Between the EU and an energetic Britain.
A Britain that is simultaneously a great European power
And truly global in our range and ambitions
And when I look at this country’s incredible assets
Our scientists, our engineers, our world-leading universities, our armed forces
When I look at the potential of this country waiting to be unleashed
I know that we can turn this opportunity into a stunning success
And whatever the bumps in the road ahead
I know that we will succeed
We have obeyed the people
We have taken back the tools of self-government
Now is the time to use those tools to unleash the full potential of this brilliant country and to make better the lives of everyone in every corner of our United Kingdom.
Tonight we are leaving the European Union
For many people this is an astonishing moment of hope, a moment they thought would never come
And there are many of course who feel a sense of anxiety and loss
And then of course there is a third group – perhaps the biggest – who had started to worry that the whole political wrangle would never come to an end
I understand all those feelings, and our job as the government – my job – is to bring this country together now and take us forward
And the most important thing to say tonight is that this is not an end but a beginning
This is the moment when the dawn breaks and the curtain goes up on a new act in our great national drama
And yes it is partly about using these new powers – this recaptured sovereignty – to deliver the changes people voted for
Whether that is by controlling immigration or creating freeports or liberating our fishing industry or doing free trade deals
Or simply making our laws and rules for the benefit of the people of this country
And of course I think that is the right and healthy and democratic thing to do
Because for all its strengths and for all its admirable qualities, the EU has evolved over 50 years in a direction that no longer suits this country
And that is a judgment that you, the people, have now confirmed at the polls
Not once but twice
And yet this moment is far bigger than that
It is not just about some legal extrication
It is potentially a moment of real national renewal and change
This is the dawn of a new era in which we no longer accept that your life chances – your family’s life chances - should depend on which part of the country you grow up in
This is the moment when we really begin to unite and level up
Defeating crime, transforming our NHS, and with better education, with superb technology
And with the biggest revival of our infrastructure since the Victorians
We will spread hope and opportunity to every part of the UK
And if we can get this right I believe that with every month that goes by we will grow in confidence not just at home but abroad
And in our diplomacy, in our fight against climate change,
In our campaigns for human rights or female education or free trade we will rediscover muscles that we have not used for decades
The power of independent thought and action
Not because we want to detract from anything done by our EU friends – of course not
We want this to be the beginning of a new era of friendly cooperation
Between the EU and an energetic Britain.
A Britain that is simultaneously a great European power
And truly global in our range and ambitions
And when I look at this country’s incredible assets
Our scientists, our engineers, our world-leading universities, our armed forces
When I look at the potential of this country waiting to be unleashed
I know that we can turn this opportunity into a stunning success
And whatever the bumps in the road ahead
I know that we will succeed
We have obeyed the people
We have taken back the tools of self-government
Now is the time to use those tools to unleash the full potential of this brilliant country and to make better the lives of everyone in every corner of our United Kingdom.
Pour les besoins de la démonstration, il vaudrait mieux un Brexit sec afin que les Anglais nous fassent la démonstration de leur génie ; mais les liens tissés depuis si longtemps avec l'Europe occidentale ne pourront être défaits si facilement, et le meilleur pronostic reste un traité de libre-échange a minima dans le style du traité euro-norvégien voire euro-turc.
Jouons aux devinettes. Que se passerait-il si la Grande Bretagne choisissait le grand large churchillien et bâtissait un Hong Kong au bout du tunnel sous la Manche ? L'exemple du succès britannique obligerait la technocratie européenne à desserrer l'étau des normes, règles et lois qui étouffent le vieux continent ; et sans doute les nations européennes retrouveraient-elles des couleurs. Quant à la France prise en étau entre l'expansion britannique souhaitable pour notre commerce extérieur et la rigueur budgétaire allemande, elle serait forcée à la réforme sous peine de déclassement durable et perte d'influence politique lourde (ça a déjà commencé). Mais une réforme imposée de l'extérieur susciterait ici l'insurrection, voire une révolution tant le monarque et sa cour sont haïs, ce qui permettrait peut-être d'assainir le pays par sa ruine préalable (humour).
Nécessité faisant loi en pays pragmatique, le plus probable dans ce jeu de devinettes, en cas de désaccord, n'est-il pas qu'une Grande Bretagne libre devienne le cinquante-et-unième état de l'Union sinon un Porto Rico de luxe associé ou intégré dans le nouveau marché nord-américain renégocié entre le Canada, les Etats-Unis et le Mexique, le USMCA.
En fait Boris Johnson a pléthore d'options et dispose de l'atout maître qu'est l'architecture mentale du rosbif : un tempérament incoercible et une dialectique intime le poussant à l'audace. Crazy BoJo pourrait réussir le spectaculaire rétablissement d'une nation jusqu'ici décadente.
Quel encouragement !
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Carte des problèmes futurs : Grand Londres, Ecosse, Ulster |
La démarche est-elle répétible en France ? Rien n'est moins sûr. La Grande Bretagne est une île excentrée et la couronne anglaise règne sur trois autres pays riches et grands, alors que la France, bien que baignée par six mers, est un carrefour européen continentalisé et toutes nos projections au-delà des mers le sont au bénéfice d'Etats mendiants qui mesurent leur affection à la somme des virements. En outre, nous sommes le verrou de la péninsule ibérique que notre retrait enfermerait. La géographie est à elle-seule un défi hors de portée, surtout d'un pays en faillite incapable d'offrir aucune compensation.
Au plan de l'économie, toutes nos industries sont communautaires ainsi que tout le secteur agro-alimentaire, à part la viticulture qui produit local et livre mondial. Il nous reste en propre les coiffeurs et les bars-tabacs. Tous nos comptes publics sont dans le rouge, notre dette est de type tiers-mondain et notre royal prestige s'est enfui derrière l'impéritie des gouvernements successifs d'une République aux seins de plâtre. Alors bonne chance aux Frexiteurs, la pelote d'ennuis à dérouler est bien plus longue qu'ils ne se l'imaginent, mais ils font bien partie des Français d'aujourd'hui, incultes en économie mais exportateurs de valeurs et modèles dont personne ailleurs ne veut. Le Brexit est le faux exemple. Avant d'envisager quoi que ce soit, il faudra annuler le lavage de cerveau français aux poisons du CNR-45 et rééduquer les nouvelles générations aux idées neuves ou réinventées et à celles qui font le succès des empires revenus... qui forment les fondamentaux traditionnels !
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